sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

One Simple Habit for a More Optimistic Mindset

The habit is simply to ask more optimistic questions if not every day then at least many times each week.

Whenever I wind up in a situation that seems negative to me I ask myself one or more of these questions:

What is one thing that is positive or good about this situation?
What can I learn from this situation?
What is the opportunity within this situation? (It could for example be to improve some unhelpful habit I have or to try a different approach).

Sometimes I ask myself these questions right away when I wind up in the situation. Sometimes I have to give myself time to feel the negative emotions and accept that I have them and just be with them for a while. Then, after a bit of time, I choose to look for the more optimistic and constructive path through this situation by asking myself the question(s).

A positive thing about asking myself these questions over and over is that after a while - when they become a habit - they tend to often pop up automatically in my mind when I'm in a negative situation (especially the question about finding an opportunity).

Source: Henrik,  The positivity Blog

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