viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

A Thank You Note

Nothing says thank you like a note written by a 4 year old. But for those who don’t have the monk-like patience it takes to elicit the above pictured type of work from a pre-schooler, there is hope.

You too, can produce thank you notes that would make your grandparents proud and that would bring a smile to even the most jaded of faces. Just come along as we guide you through the ins and outs of these written expressions of gratitude, hopefully inspiring you to discover just how far a little extra effort can get a person in this world.

I mean, if the leader of the free world has the time to write thank you notes by hand, I don't want to hear anything from the rest of us about not being able to "get around to it."

Looks simple, right? And it is! We’ve broken the thank you note down into its most basic parts to show you how easy it is. And hopefully to help you get past your mom’s nagging voice (“What?? You haven’t written Aunt Merna a thank you note yet?”) and into the joyous world of those-that-write-notes. You’re gonna love it here. Promise.

The Occasion

OK so here’s the first big issue to tackle: When do I need to write a thank you note? The simple answer is: “Anytime.” But life ain’t simple, and we can’t spend all of our waking hours writing cute notes on carefully selected custom cards. People generally write thank you’s for gifts, special favors (“Thanks for lending me your Porsche convertible for the month”) after a job interview, after you’ve visited someone’s home for the weekend or – gasp – longer, etc.

Some people say that writing a thank you note after a dinner party is overkill, but if you had a great time, we say go for it! It was nice of them to cook for you, wasn’t it? The one group of folks who don’t need written thank you’s are the ones who you live with, though ladies, how great would it be to get a sweet thank you missive from your husband every once in a while? (hint hint…)


The Stationery

A card printed on letterpress gives just the right amount of gravitas, but the modern design and bright color of this Tella Press card keeps things light and fun! You can find this card (and more!) on

You’d think that in this age of electronic mail there’d be a lack of options, but the stationery business is booming! Choose something special, that expresses some aspect of your personality without being overbearing. We love a little letterpress, for it’s handmade qualities as well as it’s authentic feel. It’s a great way to be old-school without feeling like a fuddy duddy.

Also, keep the notes brief, unless you have a whole lot to say. Thank you notes are simply for saying thank you. Leave the annual catch up session for those dreaded (and often epic) holiday letters. Postcards are cool, too, and you can often find great vintage ones at your local thrift shop.
Here are a few of our favorite stationery sources… all on Krrb, no less:


A Postcard

Keep it short and sweet with these postcards, designed by Idea Chic out of Glenndale, Colorado. With one of these, your note can be a simple one-liner, you save a little on postage and you’re using less paper by skipping the envelope!








A Note Card

Thank you notes don’t have to have those exact words printed on them—any nice stationery will do the trick. And if you find one that is truly beautiful, like this card by Brooklyn’s Pepper Press, and reflects your own style, so much the better.


DIY Thank You’s

And hey, if you’re really going for it, there are all sorts of ways you can make your own backdrop for your expression of gratitude. Check out this book for some great ideas and let your imagination fly!







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